Nurture Spa Wellness Retreat

After those long weekend and bumping the first week of November, my busy sched pump up – tons of email,  meetings from morning to evening, deadlines and other work stuff.

During that time, I forgot a meal and once I have a chance, I ate a lot, as in a lot.  I remembered I went to a dinner buffet restaurant, stayed there for two hours and just eat my heart’s out.

Next day I knew it, I got a fever and had a Loose Bowel Movement aka LBM where I have to go to the comfort room to the extent of  just staying there as my stomach keep on grumbling and grumbling.  LOL!

Why now?  I still have many things to do.  I cannot afford to be sick or else I am doomed!No doubt about it, I am really stress.

Then came an invitation to a friend to visit Nurture Spa Village in Tagaytay.   I just have to finished work stuff, meeting in the morning and will scheduled to drop by.  I even asked my hubby to personally drive me.  Since it was semestral break,  I also let my daughters joined me.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Anyway, it is just a “typical spa” where one can have a massage and then that’s it, I can go.  I even bought some workload like laptop and papers with me in case I got the time to finished some of it during my stay.

That was the plan.

Entering the place with welcome music playing those percussion instrument and offering us those relaxing tea gave me those warmth appreciation of the place.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

While waiting for friends to meet them, we went around letting those opportunity to appreciate the nature at its best.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Deeply, our family was impressed how the landscape of whole location is developend and well-tended embracing the essence of what greenery is.  The cold breeze complimented the serenity of the surrounding that made me to stay and breathe for more.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Since the place is wifi-enabled, I rushed up to be connected, sent an email requesting to extend those deadlines and reschedule those commitments.

I know I was not prepared even I will be staying for an overnight.  I did not even bought a swimming attire for pool dipping.  But what the heck!  I know I need this, as in now.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

It has come to a point that I have to love myself a little by giving time and I think this would be the BEST time that is to reflect, rejuvenate and focus again.

Fortunately, this is what Nurture Spa Village is offering – from activities, accommodation, food and most of all the treatments as I am happy to share with you this unforgettable yet wholesome experience.
Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat


Visit to Organic Farm

Everytime we went to Tagaytay, we make sure we will be bringing lettuce for home consumption.  Great to know that Nurture Spa got this organic garden where we will personally harvest the fresh lettuce.  That is an extra-ordinary soothing experience for the family. Later on, we will be using this veggies with our meal.

We were oriented also that most of the vegetables were served in Dulang Restaurant came from this garden. Even the herbs used in the treatments were also grown here.

Nurture Spa Village Healthy Food

Nurture Spa Village Healthy Food

Nurture Spa Village Healthy Food

QI Gong Breathing Exercise

Getting to be fit by exerting those exercise and some yoga routine give me those missed activity that I was doing then when I was not busy.  Great that I have experience the same thing here during my stay in this garden inspired workout area.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Trekking – Pineapple and Coffe-Farm Tour

My favorite exercise eversince – trekking.  Exciting part of it, we tour around to see those pineapples which Tagaytay is known for.  Since this place is already bound for Cavite, expect those coffee plants around.  Even the walking was done where sun is heated up, still, discovering these farm is an invigorating experience.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat


Ifugao Huts

When we were touring around, those authentic rustic Ifugao Huts captured my attention.  These “Ulog” huts came from the World Heritage Site of Banaue Rice Terraces – transported and rebuilt one by one. Even it was not air-conditioned, inside is soo cozy yet modernized in nature.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Glamorous Camping

Glamorous Camping aka Glamping is a tent equipped with comfortable bedding and electricity inside which making a camp fun and adventure which we stay for sleeping.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

To those who are interested to avail, part of the Glamping package are overnight stay, breakfast,  choice of 30-minute outdoor treatment like facial, foot or head/shoulder massage, use of barbeque grillers, bonfire and free DMS.  Price is P 2,500.00 valid until December 31, 2012.

Here we are eating those chicken teriyaki barbeque and fish fillet with red wine to share during our “Glamping” bonfire.

Nurture Spa Village Healthy Food


I enjoyed my foodie adventure with their Dulang Restaurant.  I will be sharing this with another post as I am really satisfied with those earthly dishes.

Nurture Spa Village Healthy Food


Digital Meridian Scanner (DMS)

We were given a health assessment called Digital Meridian System (DMS) Scan that projects about our health concern.  According to them, this is 90% accurate.

My result? I am acidic in nature and it came out when they presented the result which is true enough.

As recommended, I have to drink a lot, as in a lot of water.  The result was sent via my email address.

Arugâ Massage (1 hour) – PHP 1,400.00

For the massage, we were given a form to fill up as a basis when the therapists will be doing the wellness treatments.

We got a foot wash first with a corn scrub using a scented water before we have our full body massage.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Those tranquility massage oil gave us a soothing relaxation and release those tension.  The massage oils are provided by Spa Essentials, their sister company which also supplied spas and resorts nationwide and abroad.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

After the massage, we were given tea for relaxation.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Common with other spas where room is equipped with towels and slippers accentuated by wooden furniture around.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Facial Massage

There are standby outdoor open huts with lounge chairs where we experience our facial treatment.  This is also a place for foot spa experience.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Overall, I enjoyed the two day of wellness, treatments, healthy food, company of friends/family but mostly a near and quick ideal getaway accessible especially for us since we are just living south.

I also have another bonding time with my daughters and hubby giving their semestral break an oozing meaningful experience like playing around with those available recreational indoor activities like chess and sungka.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

Now I know why Nurture Spa Village hailed as one of the top 7 spas of the Philippines and CNN’s 28 most relaxing spas in Asia.  One has to experience it to believe why it is the best.

Thanking also Ms. Cathy Turvill for the wellness talk.  I know already those inspirational words but coming again to her as a reminder let me woke up and focus again.

I am ready to face again those work waiting for me  as my energy is boost 100%.  I expect a 100% productivity because my body and mind has a lot of positivity and good vibes.  Again, thanks Nurture Spa for this unforgettable wellness retreat.

Nurture Spa Village Wellness Retreat

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