Stylish New Food Blog – A Launch

When I started my I.T. career, I was a true-blue technical geeky person you will encounter.  My study on those programming codes made me understand how I can manipulate each process based on our end-user requirements which I shared also to my students when I am teaching.

I am still doing it until now but maybe more on conceptualizing stuffs with style especially if its a web project or a blog from a client.  Imagine, a geeky person turned into a style.  LOL!  Wish one can imagine that.  How?  I can express myself the inside of me artistically just doing those designs.

I was fortunate to be on this field for almost a decade and maintained set of clients who until now trusted to develop, maintain and even revamp those websites and blog.

What are some secrets to make a food blog more stylish yet pleasing to those who will visit it?

Here are my personal recommendations:

  • Nowadays, clients like to launch their website ASAP and they would be the one to maintain it. What I did was to pick great templates from WordPress or Joomla.  What we customized most is the logo to create some sort of identity, the header and put some animation infront to make it interactive.
  •  Be very picky with the photos to use.  I usually get three shots for each subject and check it ASAP if I have a clear, precise shot.  If not, will definitely repeat the same doing those shots again.  I also keep on practicing at home just taking shots on what I cook.  If ever there would be gathering of photographers around, I asked tips and advices.
  • Use simple words.  Part of the subjects I taught was Web Testing.  Content put in a website or blog must be understandable even a seven-year old kid who knows how to read.  What is important is write clearly getting those basic questions to answer like WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW.  Content is still the King.
  • Proof read what you wrote like reading it several times.  Correct those grammar and spellings if you seen one.

Sharing passion to something is a remarkable move.  It would really take a lot of effort at first to be very particular to these simple tips.   Time will come,  payback period for each post will have its limelight if the content is worth reading,.

Those combined efforts that were put together will definitely tell if it is a worth to have those stylish post.




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