T.G.I.Friday’s Turns 20 Giveaway

As a big thanks to all the love and support for the last 20 years, T.G.I.Friday’s is giving away of your favorite Jack Daniel’s burger.

Once I crave for snacks especially in the afternoon, it would be T.G.I. Fridays.  My favorite would be their fish fillet.  It is just ok for me to munch it to the max because after that, I am good to go.

T.G.I.Friday’s Turns 20 Giveaway

If ever I have a fast client meeting and I know T.G.I.Fridays’ is just around the corner, then a bite of this huge serving of Tortilla Crusted Fish Taco is good for sharing.

T.G.I.Friday’s Turns 20 Giveaway

Little that I know that T.G.I.Friday’s Philippines is celebrating their 20th anniversary this 2014.

Like me that started as favorite go-to restaurant for after-office hangout and reunions, it has now evolved as family-friendly, craving-solver restaurant.

As a big thanks to all the love and support for the last 20 years, T.G.I.Friday’s is giving away the all time favorite Jack Daniel’s burger.

Sharing how my family love the Jack Daniel’s burger whenever they asked me some treats that I bought home for them using my Bistro Group Premiere discount card.


One word – succulent !

This seasoned and fire-grilled burger is sooo juicy that is glazed with Jack Daniel’s sauce stacked with lot of crispy bacon.  Their classic fixings and crispy seasoned fries are so abundant in servings.  Actually, my daughter forgot her diet everytime she started to devour it.


Do you like FREE Jack Daniel’s burger?

Foods on the Spot  together with  T.G.I.Friday’s Philippines is giving away NINE (9) Jack Daniel’s Burger that is worth P 550.00.

T.G.I.Friday’s Turns 20 Giveaway

Here’s how you can win:

  • On the comment section below this post, write down 20 things you like about T.G.I.Fridays with your name and email address.  No repeating please.

To give you an example , here is mine:

  1. I love all the huge servings – from appetizers, salads and pasta.
  2. Food is always served fresh as they just cook and prepare it once you ordered.
  3. Their branches are all over the metro that once I crave for it, I can easily drop by.
  4. From managers and staffs around, all are friendly with those sweetest smile.
  5. Vibrant color of their interiors – combination of white and red are so distinctive.
  6. Staff uniforms are soo unique with those huge buttons all around their outfit.
  7. Love watching their bar tending, so skillful.
  8. Others think its expensive but for us family, its worth it. For P 1,000.00 budget for 5 of us, it’s enough because of huge servings.
  9. Presentation of food were prepared with art.
  10. They have Premium Card with lot of freebies and discount.
  11. While waiting for client meeting, I use my Premium Card and got free coffee.  Got a text that meeting it was resched, I told TGIF staff do I need to order since I have that free coffee, they say it’s just OK. Now I  love my premium card!
  12. According to my daughter, they are assisting culinary students w/ OJT to be skillful during summer.
  13. Healthy snacks and salad like Fish Fillet and Crusted Fish Taco
  14. Same friendly services even I dine out in other countries with fellow consultants.
  15. Their desserts are killing me like their mud pie.
  16. Latest sports telecast with their LCD TV around where hubby is staying just to chill out and relax.
  17. Offering also Filipino Food with a twist like Pork Adobo.
  18. Their blueberry milkshake is a must try.
  19. Succulent and juicy burger w/ its unique sauce.
  20. Combination of healthy juices like the carrot-apple juice.

There you have it!  The first  9 who will have a valid entry comment , wins!   Contest will run only today, Dec. 11.  Good luck!


Update as of December 15, 2014:

Instead of 9 winners, we declared 11 winners for T.G.I.Friday’s Turns 20 Jack Daniel’s Giveaway.  Is it awesome! LOL.

Here are the following:

  1. Clark Bisda
  2. Czaroma Roman
  3. Florencio Jusay
  4. Butch Syyap
  5. Tony Meriel
  6. Cai Lacdan
  7. Paula Michelle Pablo
  8. Eddieli Bungay
  9. Sheryl Ann Mungcal
  10. Princess Buenviaje
  11. Emiliana Singson

Again, thanks, thanks for participating.

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