Almost one week that rain is getting worst both in the metro and provinces. Classes were almost suspended in a week. We were hesitate to go out because of those flooded areas, windy air and at the end, dripping while wet in the rain.
When I was looking with our food stock, it was all drained up. Haaay, kinda lazy going to the market or even in a grocery store with these stormy situations around.
What i did was to look for other food left that I have to cook for breakfast – a Quaker quick cook oat meal and some packs of chocolate Swiss Miss.
Whallla, when both oatmeal and chocolate swiss combined it can be a Champorado recipe!
I have to really find ways. Oatmeal is healthy anyway and can be a variant to cook it in chocolatey form aside from its nutritious value.
Benefits of oatmeal:
- removes bad cholesterol without affecting good ones.
- low calorie
- protect against heart disease and cancer
- its high fiber slows down the conversion to simple sugar that reduces risk of diabetes
This is a very easy recipe that I love to share here.
- Heated a small pan and put 3 cups of water
- When boiled, have put half of the oat meal, 100g. Each pack of Quaker is 200g.
- Mixed it with two packs of Swiss Miss. Do not put sugar since this is already sweetened.
- Let it simmer for 3 minutes.
- Served hot and add milk.
We usually cooked champorado with rice, chocolate tableau and brown sugar. Still, we can make substitutes on what we have.
If it tastes good, then it can be a great breakfast in this rainy season.